MOBAC Technology Committee
Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month
2013/14 Co-Chairs: Stacy DeMatteo, Naval Postgraduate School; Ashlee Wright, Harrison Memorial Library
June 18, 2014 from 2:00 – 4:00
Cabrillo College Library
DRAFT Minutes
Attending: Stacy DeMatteo (NPS), Lynne Sansevero (SCPL), Stephanie Staley (Cabrillo), Steve Watkins (CSUMB)
1. Today’s recorder: Steve Watkins
2. Agenda review: approved with no changes
3. Approve minutes from last meeting: postponed to next meeting, draft minutes from 4/16 meeting not yet available
4. Admin Council report:
The 2014-17 MOBAC Strategic Plan was distributed and includes two initiatives for which the Technology Committee has been identified as the lead:
~ Investigate and establish capabilities for remote meetings
~ Survey member libraries for information on meeting room capabilities and recommend a process for future updates
Jayanti Addleman will continue to serve as Council liaison to the Tech Committee, with Teresa Landers as alternate.
5. New business
~ Selection of committee Chair for 2014-15. Stacy DeMatteo will ask Ashlee Wright if she is willing to serve as co-chair with Stacy for another year. If not, a call for volunteers will go out via the email list. Stephanie Staley volunteered to up the list of current members on the MOBAC website.
~ The group discussed possible ideas for next year’s hands-on workshop, with the possibility of focusing it on options for remote meetings, in keeping with the committee charge from the Strategic Plan. The possibility of holding the workshop at one of the more remote member libraries was also suggested. This will be an agenda item at the next meeting.
6. Public comment: none
7. Next business meeting is July 16, 2014; there will be no August meeting.
8. Next business meeting place: possibly Naval Postgraduate School