Technology Committee Meeting: July 16, 2014

Technology Committee Meeting – July 16, 2014

MOBAC Technology Committee
Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month

2013/14 Co-Chairs: Stacy DeMatteo, Naval Postgraduate School; Ashlee Wright, Harrison Memorial Library

July 16, 2014 from 2:00 – 4:00
Pacific Grove Public Library


Attending: Stacy DeMatteo (NPS), Steven Silveria (PGPL), Chris Ricker (MCFL), Steve Watkins (CSUMB),      Kris Amaral (SPL) Ashlee Wright (HML)

1. Today’s recorder: Chris Ricker

2. Agenda review: approved with no changes

3. Approve minutes from last meeting: approved

4. Admin Council report: none

5. Selection of committee Chair for 2014-15. Stacy DeMatteo, Naval Postgraduate School and Ashlee Wright, Harrison Memorial Library agreed to serve as co-chairs for another year, 2014/15.

6. New business
Discussion regarding the 2014-17 MOBAC Strategic Plan initiatives for which the Technology Committee has been identified as the lead:
~ Investigate and establish capabilities for remote meetings: Committee agreed to plan a MOBAC Hands-On Workshop on conducting virtual meetings.
~ Survey member libraries for information on meeting room capabilities and recommend a process for future updates: Stacy will draft a survey regarding MOBAC member meeting room capabilities, technology, capacity and fees.

7. Public comment: none

8. Next business meeting is September 17, 2014; there will be no August meeting. Agenda items: Review Annual Committee Report, Discuss Fridays as possible meeting day.

9. Next business meeting place: Monterey County Free Libraries, Administrative Office, Marina


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