MOBAC Reference Committee Meeting Notes 2013.11.26
Amy Chirman MPC
Jen Waterson MIIS
Kris Amaral SPL
Sarah Dahlen CSUMB
Mary Elturk PGPL
Ann Jacobson NPS (note taker)
Deborah Stephens HCL
Laura Dickie Cabrillo
Julie Richards SCPL
Inga Waite MPL (Chair)
Be Astengo MCFL
Jean Chapin HML
Frank Gravier UCSC
Last meeting minutes, strike NPS informal news from official record and otherwise approved
No public comment or attendees
Admin Council (hasn’t met, will meet in December).
Tech Committee: Had a workshop, was great. Video available on MOBAC site. Lots of positive comments about Kathy and Karen, NPS presenters.
Release forms for past Reference Committee Workshop were given to Sarah to send to Donna Truong from PLP along with those from past workshop.
Looking at what topic(s) to cover next time for Tech Committee workshop
ILL Committee: (Hasn’t met. Next meeting Jan 14). Still working on ILL policy manual.
SPLAMBA: Has been meeting monthly. Finalized Science Fiction book list. Someone introduced herself as being available to do workshops for public library.
Old business:
Debrief after Future of Reference Workshop
Went well, was well-attended. Feedback was shared with us before and during meeting. Note need for better acoustics for audience, if possible. Challenging because of need to speak into mic for recording. Soft-spoken presenters especially need mic, which wasn’t available this time. But Amy (MPC) will make it available in the future.
Amy mentions need to comply with ADA with close captioning, other ADA requirements. Is this really a requirement? Some discussion. Do we need someone there to sign? Inga will ask at Admin Council. Maybe MOBAC Communication funds would support?
New Business:
Still need to identify new chair
Mary Elturk volunteered, which everyone present greatly appreciated. Many thanks to Inga who was chair for two terms!
Workshop Planning:
Reviewing past suggestions, screen casting and video tutorials seems like there was a lot of interest.
We recall that Irene Berry from NPS addressed this but it was a while ago. Tech Committee also did one. But seems like we are ripe for another workshop on this topic. Amy likes Camtasia. Ann has used SnagIt. Camtasia costs $300/seat. Deborah has used the free Active Presenter. She thinks it’s OK.
Maybe workshop could be part theoretical/pedagogical and part mini-tutorials. Some discussion of how to approach a session on this topic. We have time to think about this as the workshop won’t be until spring.
Mary (PG) brought information on workshops by Edmond Otis who offers “soft skills” library workshops. Maybe we could get PLP funding. Some of us have had his workshops before.
Might be kind of pricey but Mary will investigate. Maybe PLP communication money could be applied to this?
Possible session on: Database negotiating, stats compilation, free databases??? Ann suggests it would be great to have someone talk about how to make decisions about database subscriptions because we will have negotiation, data collection and presentation,
Some talk about specific reference databases and pricing.
Cabrillo has been surveying students and faculty about their database use. They still do them in paper and compile manually. Hartnell does with Google Forms
Possible months for workshops are March and May
Mary will look into Edmond Otis feel for possible June instead of May
Friday mornings in March and May @ MPC and maybe Cabrillo
They will look at availability
We took a vote and decided priority would be Screencasting, followed by DB, followed by OTIS. OTIS could be a third new workshop, something broader supported by all ADMIN council for example. OTIS session on setting boundaries seems especially useful.
Screencasting MAY (so we have time to prepare an excellent session)
Databases MARCH. Mary will ask Stephen Silveria, Ann will ask Judit.
Alternatives to Cabrillo might be Watsonville. Mary will ask Heather if Watsonville might be available.
Admin Council is Dec. 13. Both Inga and Mary will go. Mary’s chair will take effect in January.
Reference share/problems:
Deborah: RAND website access is poor (for subscription access).
Mary: How do people display print magazines
Laura: questions about shelving people are using, how deep, etc.
News from libraries (off the record)
Next meeting:Jan 28 – Salinas Public Library – Cesar Chavez Branch