Tuesday, May 27, 2009
2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
3145 Tanimura & Antle Family Memorial Library
CSU Monterey Bay, Seaside CA
Present: Janie Siveria (CSUMB), Pamela Jungerberg(PGPL), Deborah Ruiz(MPC), Bjorn Jones(SPL), Heather Geddes (WPL), Jean Chapin(HML), Janet Cubbage(HML), Merritt Taylor(SCPL), Irene Berry (NPS), Bill Rawson(HCL), Frank Gravier(UCSC), Christie Tam (MILS), Betty Mason(SBCFL)
Administrative Council Report:
The MOBAC reference budget was approved. In the future, to justify our choices, we will need to provide more statistics for the database funding requests.
Technology Committee Report:
No report.
InterLibrary Loan Committee Report
No report.
Old Business
1. Meeting Locations (2009/2010) – Members need to look at the wiki and select a meeting date for their library to host a reference committee meeting. The group also passed around a signup sheet at the meeting.
2. Training Workshops- The safety and security workshop was well received. The evaluations were mostly positive, rating the workshop 8.7 out of 10. Several participants would have liked the presenter to give advice on more specific scenarios.
3. Plan of Service – Was submitted to MOBAC council in April.
4. Wiki – There was a general discussion about how the reference committee can best make use of our wiki. It was suggested that we use the wiki to individually make changes to the services survey, Irene will explore this idea further. There was also a discussion about why the website is password protected and if this is necessary. It was thought the password was there to protect email distribution lists and signup links. Members were asked to look at both the wiki and website to evaluate what types of information should be on each.
5. Members should look at their survey of public available technologies and send in updates to Irene if necessary.
New Business
1. Hands-On Appointment Sub-Committee:
a. SBLAMBA has asked Reference committee to consider moving the date of the Hands on Workshop, since their regular meeting date is on the same day. There was some concern that other Fridays in the month of October already have workshops/meetings.. It was suggested that SPLAMBA attend our event and then have a lunch meeting of their own afterwards. Frank will talk further with SPLAMBA.
b. Who is on committee?
2. Annual Report – is due in the Fall Heather and Frank will work on it.
Repeat Business
1. New Reference sources – Jean highly recommends the Who’s who online database.
2. Problem Sharing/Solving/Trends – Heather reports that she sent a query out to CALIX regarding how many hours per week FT staff work on public service desks. From the responses she received the average seems to be 4-5 hours per day.
3. Irene had a question about the criteria libraries use to select e book services. CSUMB has a matrix they used to evaluate the 3 biggest vendors, which they are happy to share with anyone interested.
News from the Libraries
CSUMB – Successfully completed their first semester in the new library.
PG – Had a read-a-thon children’s fundraiser at the library that raised $12,000. They will be further reducing their open hours.
MPC- Will be reducing library hours next semester, the library will be open 8am-8pm Mon thru Thurs. The search for a new library director has been put on hold.
Watsonville – Staff have taken a 10% in hours and pay. The library has put a proposal before the city council to close more hours, we are waiting for approval.
Salinas – Is migrating away from the city’s internet and will begin getting internet through Comcast. They are adding 30 computers to the library. Staff will be taking 2 furlough days per month.
San Benito – Has a new bookmobile. May be doing furloughs or closing some hours.
DLI – Has extended library hours and created a new faculty collection.
Carmel – Is waiting for council approval on a budget proposal. They are looking at a 10% reduction. Their foundation has put forth a proposal to pay 1/3 of this cost and have the other 2/3 paid by the city and library trustees.
SCPL – Are trying to determine whether all branches will remain open or whether some will close. There are several proposals on the table which will save the library between $1.3 and $1.6 million.
NPS – Has instituted a hiring freeze and is cutting their electronic resources budget. They just had their centennial celebration and used the event to emphasize the relevance of the library to the campus.
HCL – Is maintaining their hours but is looking at cuts. They are redoing landscaping and creating a more welcoming entrance to the campus. Staff in all depts. participated in a penny contest and raised $2000.
UCSC – Is decreasing their budget for books, serials, and databases. They are freezing all vacant positions.