MOBAC Administrative Council Meeting
October 8, 2010
Hartnell College Library
Action Minutes
Teresa Landers (SCZ), Georg Romero (CAB), Kim Bui-Burton (MPL), Peggy Mayfield (HCL), Janie Silveria (CSUMB), Janet Cubbage (HML), Nora Conte (SBE), Ginny Steel (UCSC), Peter Liu (MIIS) and Shuk Auyeung (GAV)
Stephanie Lane (SBE), Jean Chapin (HML), Mary Ellison (SAL), Steve Watkins (CSUMB), William Rawson (HCL), Don Gardner (SAL), Donna Truong (MOBAC) and Kathy Krause (MOBAC)
Peter Liu (MIIS) for Eleanor Uhlinger (NPS)
Mary Ellison (SAL) for Elizabeth Martinez (SAL)
Peggy Mayfield (HCL) for Stephanie Tetter (MPC)
George Romero (CAB) for Carol Heitzig (WAT)
The October 8, 2010 meeting was held at Hartnell College Library and chaired by Peggy Mayfield.
Agenda: Agenda: Agenda adopted as distributed
Minutes: MOBAC Strategic Plan Goals & Action Plan; Local Identity: Should be Letter E. .
Minutes of August 13, 2010 approved as amended
- Teresa reported the PLP Executive Committee will meet October 18th to discuss the fee schedule with Anne Marie Gold, PLP Consultant.
- George reported that Deborah Stephens has volunteered to take over maintenance of the MOBAC website. Please send her any updates or minutes.
- Steve Watkins reviewed the Technology Annual Report included in the MOBAC Agenda packet. They are planning to have at least two workshops this fiscal year. One of the workshops will be a 1/2 day Hands-on workshop December 3rd on designing websites to be styled to work for mobile devices.
- John Sarmiento, PLS, gave a demonstration on MegaMeeting. Up to 25 PLP users can take part in or host a MegaMeeting at the same time. If anyone would like to set up a MegaMeeting, please contact Wendy or Donna. John will send out the link for MegaMeeting on Wiki. It will also be on the PLP Website.
- The ILL Annual Report was sent electronically and distributed at the MOBAC Council meeting.
- Janie Silveria highlighted parts of the Reference Annual Report that was distributed to Council. The Reference Committee is using the Wiki to communicate and share information. They feel their workshops benefit all MOBAC member libraries and hope Council continues to fund them. Jean Chapin reported on the success of the Future of Reference workshop.
- Georg suggested simplifying the Annual Reports. This will be added to the Strategic Report under E. Local Identity, 1. Develop criteria and guidelines for creating committees.
- Don Gardener reviewed the SPLAMBA Annual Report that was distributed to Council. Their last workshop on Infant Brain Development was very successful. The committee is planning to publish a brochure on graphic novels for parents.
- Stephanie Lane reported for the Literacy Taskforce. They are looking at different ways to communicate and reach more people; tweeting, text messaging and emailing. The Literacy Taskforce is training and developing one on one tutoring and they are working with second language learner programs.
- Council decided to push back some of the due dates for the Strategic Plan goals. The October due dates will be pushed back to December 10th, the date of the next Council meeting. George is scheduling an in person meeting of the website taskforce. Peggy is thinking of creating a survey for developing guidelines for committees.
- MSP: MOBAC Council will send a letter to the San Benito County Board of Supervisors in support of the importance of libraries in San Benito County.
Chair Report: Peggy thanked everyone for making progress on the Strategic goals.
Administration Report: Donna reported that a server will be purchased and housed at PLS to support Open Source. The vendors being tested are Koha and Evergreen.
Agenda Building:
- Budget
- Strategic Plan
Next MOBAC Council meeting: Friday, December 10 at Watsonville Public Library