Administrative Council Minutes: June 2011

MOBAC Administrative Council Meeting

June 10, 2011
Scotts Valley Library
251 Kings Village Road
Action Minutes


Peggy Mayfield (HCL), Teresa Landers (SCZ), Janet Bombard (HML), Georg Romero (CAB), Ginny Steel (SCCZ), Jayanti Addleman (MCO),


Doug Holtzman (MPL), Janie Silveria (CSUMB), Cathy Andrews (MCFL), Stacy DeMatteo (SAL) ,  Donna Truong (MOBAC) and Kathy Krause (MOBAC)


Stacy DeMatteo (SAL) for Elizabeth Martinez (SAL)
Doug Holtzman (MPL) for Kim Bui-Burton (MPL) & Lisa Maddalena (PGPL)
Peggy Mayfield (HCL) for Eleanor Uhlinger (NPS)

The June 10, 2011 meeting was held at the Scotts Valley branch of Santa Cruz City-County Library System and chaired by Peggy Mayfield.

  1. Agenda: Agenda approved as distributed
  2. Minutes: April 8, 2011 minutes approved as distributed.
  3. Administrative Business
    1. PLP Update
      1. New Board Member FY 2011/2012

        The Annual PLP meeting was on Friday, May 13th at the Milpitas Library. The speaker at the Annual meeting was Brewster Kahle, Internet Archives. There was a question/answer session in an Interview format with Gerry Newfarmer, Management Partners and Mike Oliver, Interim Director Richmond Public Library.

        The Executive Committee met after the PLP Annual Meeting. Teresa will be President of the Executive Committee and Julie Farnsworth, Vice President for FY 2011/2012. There is no budget for PLP yet. The Executive will meet late July to discuss and approve the budget.

    2. Strategic Planning Goal Reports – Mayfield
      1. Website Migration Progress Report – Romero
        The test website will be up in July.
      2. Strategic Plan Goals Update
        1. Goal 1 A. Addleman reported on Brown Act. Agenda need to add public comments at the beginning of the meeting. There are some restrictions regarding video conferencing. Committees need template/instructions from the MOBAC council
        2. Goal B, B1: Bombard presented MOBAC-wide staff development plan. Council needs to make sure Staff development a priority.
        3. Goal E1: Need a committee and council retreat. By-laws needs to update.
        4. Goal D1: PLP will provide webinar for grant support and writing early July.
    3. Appoint Nominating Committee for Vice Chair FY 2011/2012
      Georg Romero will be MOBAC vice chair FY 2011 (Addleman/Landers)
  4. MOBAC Fund Balance

    Motion: To approve Committee funding requests FY2011/2012 but not to commit more than half or the money before October with the exception of the databases (Addleman/Holtzman)

    Motion: To authorize payment for the academic libraries for half a year for Wordcat/Calcat and $7700 for Access Science database for academic libraries . Task force will be formed to make recommendation for alternatives (Landers/Addleman)

    Motion: MOBAC subsidizes the increment in PLP fees for MOBAC libraries in
    FY 11/12. All members will pay the same amount as FY10/11. (Landers/Addleman)

  5. Agenda items for next meeting
    • Committee discussion
    • Retreat with committees
    • By-laws

Next MOBAC Council meeting: August 12, location TBD

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