MOBAC Administrative Council
Pacific Grove Library, Community Room
Jewel Park
578 Central Ave.
Pacific Grove, CA 93950
June 14, 2013
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Action Minutes
Council: Georg Romero (CAB), Carol Heitzig (WAT), Teresa Landers (SCPL), Janet Bombard (HML), Steven Silveria (PGL), Kim Bui-Burton (MPL), Peter Liu (MIIS), Nora Conte (SBCFL)
Others: Chris Ricker (MCFL), Donna Truong (MOBAC), Inga Labeaune (MPL), Cathy Andrews (MCFL)
Proxies: Ricker for Jayanti Addleman (MCFL), Bui-Burton for Elizabeth Martinez (SAL), Landers for Ginny Steel (UCSC), Liu for Eleanor Uhlinger (NPS)
The June 14, 2013 meeting was held at the Pacific Grove Library Community Room, Jewel Park and chaired by Romero.
1. Agenda: approved (Approved Bui-Burton/Liu)
2. Minutes: April 12, 2013 approved (Approved: Landers/Heitzig)
3. PLP Update: Landers reported on the PLP Annual Meeting at City of Santa Clara Library. Speaker Louis Fox from CENIC talked about statewide broadband for California libraries. There were many great reports from PLP innovation grant and LSTA grant from PLP participants. Landers will continue as President for another year, thru June 2014. John Alita from San Bruno Public Library will be the Vice President.
4. Strategic Plan-Review/Vision for the Future: Planning Committee : There will probably be a Strategic Plan meeting in lieu of Council meeting in February. The committee is recommending Jane Light as facilitator but nothing is confirmed yet and more information will be available at the August meeting. MOBAC Council and committees will need to think about what is MOBAC’s role and what MOBAC would look like without funding.
5. OCLC Contract FY 13/14: Approved without Pacific Grove and Monterey Public Library in the agreement. (Approved: Bui-Burton/Romero)
6. Reconfirm MOBAC Committee/ Task Force
Reference: Confirmed (Landers/Bui-Burton)
Technology: Confirmed (Landers/Liu)
ILL: Confirmed (Heitzig/Bombard)
SPLAMBA: Confirmed (Landers/Bui-Burton)
Literacy: Confirmed as Committee (Bombard/Bui-Burton)
7. Nominating Committee for FY 13/14 Vice Chair: Romero and Bui-Burton will serve on this committee and report at the next Council meeting.
8. Meeting dates and locations:
August 16, Cabrillo College Library
October 11, Watsonville Public Library
December 13, Monterey Public Library
February 28, Marina Branch, MCFL ( half or full- day retreat-date may change)
April 11, San Benito County Free Library
June 13, 2013
Agenda building:
- Report from Strategic Planning Committee
- Report from Nominating Committee
- Liaison’s role discussion
Next MOBAC Council meeting: August 16, Cabrillo College Library