April 10, 2012 -- WPL


MOBAC Interlibrary Loan Committee Minutes

April 10, 2012, 2 p.m., WPL
Present: Monica Wilmot (MIIS), Jean Chapin (HML), Rebecca Bergeon (CSUMB), Ray Melendez (MCO), Sarah Troy (UCSC), Susan Renison (WPL)
Note Taker: Jean Chapin
Meeting called to order at 2:10.  January minutes approved.
Admin Council.  Admin Council will be meeting Friday April 20.  Jean will attend to represent ILL. Technology Committee Report- A workshop is planned on creating a digital archive, using the Grateful Dead project at UCSC as a demo.  The date and place is not set yet. Reference Committee – A social media workshop was held at PGPL in February, and a workshop on Beyond Print: The Future of Reference will be held at Seaside Library April 26. SPLAMBA- They are planning a workshop on April 20 at WPL on disability awareness, with a focus on autism.
New Business
Courier survey/reporting to Council.  We reviewed and made some corrections to the MOBAC delivery survey stats.  The bulk of the deliveries are ILL, unless you include the PG/Monterey interlibrary stats, which is the vast majority of the delivery.  We are considering making a recommendation to council- reduce delivery to two days/week.  We will Alternative ILL systems.  Nobody has volunteered to be on a committee for examining ILL alternatives.  We agreed to make a list at the next meeting of alternatives, with our comments added, and submit this annotated list to council in August.
April Tasks, Calendar and Roster Updates. We updated the MOBAC webpage for the calendar and general information at the meeting. Committee members should check their roster information and update it if it needs changing.
Old Business
Workshop ideas.  Committee members are encouraged to keep an eye our for workshop ideas.  We have not had a workshop in the last two years.
Monica will no longer be the MIIS rep to the ILL committee.  Hopefully someone new will be appointed.
Problem sharing
It was suggested that due to Salinas being shorthanded in the ILL department, we make SAL last in our string of MOBAC lenders.  If you have to get something from Salinas (no other lenders), put them in multiple times in the lender string.
Monica noted that UPS will not deliver to another library in the same city, so UPS delivery is not an option for libraries within Monterey or within Santa Cruz.
News from libraries followed.
Next meeting to be held Tuesday, July 10, 2012, 2-4 pm at MIIS. On the agenda – finalizing admin council recommendations. Meeting adjourned at 4 pm.