Technology Committee Meeting
Technology Committee Meeting – September 18, 2019 – SPL
Co-chairs Kristen Cardoso (UCSC), Katie O’Connell (HML)
Today’s recorder : Alicia Martinez (WPL)
Attendees : Deborah Stephens (HCL), Katie O’Connell (HML), Kristen Cardoso (UCSC), Glenn Tozier (MPC), Alicia Martinez (WPL), Katharine Dixon (SPL), Mila Rianto (SPL), Kris Amaral (MCFL), and Stacy DeMatteo (NPL)
Old Business
Agenda Review : OK
Approve minutes : The minutes were approved.
MOBAC Reports :
- Administrative Council: Katie O’Connell will be attending the meeting scheduled for this month. Guidelines for new chairs
- Reference Committee: Fall Workshop “Community Conversations: Harwood Institute Model for Libraries” Friday, October 18th 9-12 at Marina Library
- SPLAMBA: no report
- Literacy Committee: no report
- ILL Committee: no report
New Business
- Review report on usage statistics on Committee’s Youtube videos: Kristen reported that the MOBAC Tech videos had zero views. Currently there are 16 videos and 6 playlists. The Reference Committee Workshop video titled “Coping with Customer Service” Part I had 40 views and Part 2 had 12 views. It was noted that the audio quality was poor and a suggestion was made that the PA system be used for better sound for recording purposes. Action Items: Create a checklist for using equipment (battery); submit a request if captioning is needed; upload to website; and hyperlink presenters.
- Review and select proposed online training: Members decided to view Graphic Design: Elements of Design. Report findings at October meeting.
- Review web accessibility resources and discuss next steps: Discussion about the idea of partnering with other organizations that are revamping their website to meet ADA guidelines. Create a guide with basics to hand out at the spring workshop. Members tasked to evaluate one of the Accessibility Resources and answer the following questions upon completing the training:
- What x would I like to have known before?
- What was the most useful concept made that made you understand how it works and why?
Public Comment : None
Next Meeting : October 16, 2019 Monterey Peninsula College