Technology Committee Meeting – June 17, 2015
MOBAC Technology Committee
Meets 3rd Wednesday of each month
2014/15 Chair: Stacy DeMatteo, Naval Post-Graduate School
June 17, 2015 from 2:00 – 4:00 Hopkins Marine Station.
Present: Stephanie Staley (Cabrillo), Steve Watkins (CSUMB), Stacy DeMatteo (NPS), Glenn Tozier (MPC), Kristen Cardoso (MIIS)
- Today’s recorder: Stephanie Staley
- Agenda review: Added OCLC and MOBAC regional catalog to today’s agenda
- Minutes of the May 20, 2015, meeting were approved.
- Admin Council Report. Kristen attended the Admin Council meeting on June 12, 2015 in Pacific Grove representing the Tech Committee.
Kristen reported:
- Admin council was pleased with our report on virtual meeting software recommendations. PLP approved dropping the existing subscription to MegaMeeting software and will replace with Zoom per the Tech Committee’s recommendations. Council suggested that meetings and programs be planned at locations where Wi-Fi is available.
- Meeting room survey was discussed and concluded to be complete.
- Tech Committee has completed tasks requested by the Admin Council
- Admin Council is in the process of setting up an ad-hoc safety/disaster preparedness committee.
- Chair Elections
- Stacy discussed the role and duties of the Tech Committee chair and asked for volunteers for the next term.
- Kristen and Glenn volunteered to co-chair the committee for the next year. Stacy said that she would be able to cover Admin Council meetings.
- OCLC and MOBAC regional catalog
- Kristen reported that the Admin Council suggested the Tech Committee distribute a survey to identify how member libraries would use a regional catalog.
- We discussed and developed possible survey questions and Steve volunteered to develop the survey and distribute to MOBAC libraries.
- New business: No new business
- After today’s meeting committee will tour the library at Hopkins Marine Station lead by head librarian, Joe Wible.
- Public comment: none
- Next business meeting is: August 12, 2015 (combining July and August meetings)
Next business meeting place: Possibly MPC or we will check availability at Castroville Public or Admin office at Marina Public.