Technology Committee Meeting


Technology Committee Meeting – May 16, 2018 – Moss Landing

MOBAC Technology Committee Agenda Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month May 16, 2018 from 2:00 – 4:00

Place: Phil’s Fish Market & Eatery
7600 Sandholdt Rd. Moss Landing, CA 95039

Co-Chairs: Kris Amaral (MCFL), Deborah Stephens (HCL)

Old Business
Agenda review: No changes.
Approve minutes from last meeting: Approved.

MOBAC Reports: 
  1. Administrative Council: March 16, 2018 meeting –Council is planning a Regional Networking Event; several members are attending National Library Legislative Day in Washington DC; grants concerning public library initiatives; Spring Fling workshop from the Staff Development Committee Inclusion and Empowerment in two locations. See 7b. (April 24 Castro Valley Library 9-1:00; April 25 King Library in San Jose 9-1:00).
  2. Reference Committee: had a successful Equity workshop. Both MIIS and CSUMB have done Equity Walks. CSUMB and its library each have an Equity and Diversity Committee; Rebecca reported on some of their findings (disability access, text heavy English only signage, no gender neutral bathrooms, etc) and commented that it was useful and eye-opening to see the library from a different perspective; the committee(s) will next meet with CSUMB students to continue the conversation. We had a general discussion about ethnicity/ culture of library staff and library users and how they view each other–users may not see themselves reflected in staff and they can experience uncertainty and fear in using an unfamiliar resource–library staff may not reflect the users’ culture and staff can feel uncertainty and fear in how to assist patrons of an unfamiliar culture. A common situation is when a group of young Hispanic males come into the library that has primarily Caucasian staff—without empathy, one might make number of negative assumptions instead of thinking for example about how having friends around us can make us feel more confident.
  3. SPLAMBA had a recent well-attended workshop Windows and Mirrors to celebrate a new book list (which addresses the importance of children being able to see themselves and also see other cultures within their reading materials) and to hear Julie Olsen Edwards from the volunteer-run Peace Library, Cabrillo present a talk. They recommend the TEDx talk by Grace Lin meeting is May 18.  No meeting in June.
  1. Literacy Committee: Had a workshop: Worth a Thousand Words: Teaching Adult Literacy Using Graphic Novels – May 9, Marina Library, 9:00 am -12:00 noon

New Business

ADA Website Compliance

Public comment:  none

Next business meeting place: June 20, 2018 – 2-4pm MPC

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