MOBAC Administrative Council
Friday, October 12, 2012
9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Harrison Memorial Library-Park Branch
Local History Department
Mission Street & Sixth Ave.
Carmel, CA
Action Minutes
Janet Bombard (HML), Georg Romero (CAB), Kathleen Hanselmann (DLI), Kim Bui-Burton (MPL), Jayanti Addleman (MCFL), Teresa Landers (SCPL), Eleanor Uhlinger (NPS), Lisa Maddalena (PAC), Nora Conte (SBCFL), Ginny Steel (UC Santa Cruz), Peggy Mayfield (HCL), Elizabeth Martinez (SAL)
Don Gardner (SAL), Inga Labeaune (MPL), Jean Chapin (HML) , Donna Truong (MOBAC), Sheila Mitchell (NCCLLN), Ashlee Wright (HML)
Proxy: Georg Romero for Carol Heitzig (WAT) and Stephanie Tetter (MPC)
The October 12, 2012 meeting was held at the Harrison Memorial Library, Park Branch and chaired by Romero.
1. Agenda: Agenda approved as distributed.
2. Minutes: August 17, 2012 approved with one correction (Bui-Burton/Steel).
3. PLP Update: PLP Executive Committee will meet at CLA, November 2, 2012. There was no update on Print on Demand since PLP Executive Director has not received the business plan from the bookstore owner. For MOBAC, there will be a Print on Demand demo at the February meeting from a local Santa Cruz bookstore.
4. Action Plan: Landers will send the Brown Act document to all committees, and the document will also be posted on MOBAC website. Committees are subject to Brown Act, but Community of Interest is not. MOBACinfo listserv will be up shortly for members to share info, ideas and training/workshops. Action Plan was updated. Literacy Task Force’s decision to become Committee will be postponed until our end-of-the year meeting, when we will review and confirm/reconfirm all of our committees.
5. ILL Committee Task Force on Courier Services. Truong provided the cost of 2 days/week for libraries who currently have 3 days/week delivery / The cost would be $6,000 less than what we pay currently, but both MPL and PAC will need to pay additional $200 per month.
6. Bombard and Bui-Burton attended “Are You Ready” Disaster Preparedness workshop. This was an important workshop for all members. MOBAC should be thinking about having this workshop for all members in the future
7. ILL, Reference, SPLAMBA and Technology Committees presented their annual reports.
Agenda building:
- Reconfirm committee roles-June meeting
- Literacy Task Force becomes committee
- Approval of Action Plan, By-Laws
- Approval of Committee and Community of Interest document
- Califa update
Next MOBAC Council meeting: Hartnell College Library, December 14, 2012