Admin Council Minutes, June 2012

MOBAC Administrative Council

Friday, June 8, 2012

9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.


Naval Postgraduate School
Dudley Knox Library
411 Dyer Rd
Monterey, CA 93943

Action Minutes


Janet Bombard (HML), Georg Romero (CAB), Eleanor Uhlinger (NPS), Nora Conte (SBL), Peggy Mayfield (HCL), Kathleen Hanselmann (DLI), Lisa Maddalena (PAC), Teresa Landers (SCL), Douglas Holtzman (MPL)

Others: Jean Chapin (HML), Donna Truong (MOBAC), Cathy Andrews (MCO), Valerie Moule (NPS)

Proxy: Eleanor Uhlinger (NPS) for Stephanie Tetter (MPC), Peter Liu (MIIS) and Elizabeth Martinez (SAL)


The June 8, 2012 meeting was held at the Dudley Knox Library and chaired by Bombard.


1.         Agenda: Agenda approved as distributed (Mayfield/Hanselmann).

2.         Minutes: April 20, 2012 approved as distributed (Mayfield/Romero).

3.       PLP Update: PLP Annual Meeting was held on May 11 at Berryessa Branch, San Jose Public Library.  The speaker was Dr. Reichental, CIO of City of Palo Alto. There were also presentations from BALIS members about  their Innovation grants.

Executive Committee met after the PLP Annual meeting. Landers will be the President for another term. There is no budget for PLP due to the State budget problem, but the Executive Committee will meet late July to discuss and approve the budget for FY 12/13.

4.       OCLC subscription/contract FY 2012/13

Motion: Authorize MOBAC to renew OCLC Cataloging contract for members   (Romero/Mayfield).

Truong will poll members regarding Worldcat/Calcat subscriptions for FY 12/13.

5.       Nominating Committee-Lisa Maddalena (PAC) will be the Vice Chair for FY 12/13

(by acclamation).

6.   Identify needs: Council/Committees- Truong provided a list of requirements for MOBAC as a J.P.A legal entity. Motion:  Stay with status quo (PLP) but review the options annually and look for new networking members (Landers/Holtzman).

7.  Review MOBAC Action Plan: Truong will send the updated Action Plan. Landers will write up Committee of Interest vs. Committee and report at the August meeting.

8.  Meeting Schedule FY 12/13:

Date Location

8/17/12      Marina Branch, MCO

10/12/12    Harrison Memorial Library

12/14/12    Hartnell College Library

2/8/13       Naval Postgraduate School Library

4/12/13     Scotts Valley Branch, Santa Cruz

6/14/13     Pacific Grove/Community Center


Agenda building: Community of Interest report, review Action Plan

Next MOBAC Council meeting: Marina Branch, August 17, 2012